Wehub karandaaz

About Us


What is Police Awam Saath Saath?

Police Awam Saath Saath is an initiative that aims to bridge the trust deficit between citizens and the police, promote inclusion, and generate public and policy support for police reforms in Pakistan.
Hundreds of Pakistani police officers have sacrificed their lives in the fight against violent extremism. Despite such heroism, most Pakistanis fear the police and avoid interacting with them even to report a crime. This is understandable, given the general perception that the police are corrupt, institutionally incompetent, and brutal. The majority of Pakistanis have little confidence in law enforcement.
However, while the shortcomings of the police cannot be downplayed and must be addressed through large scale institutional reform, public awareness about the challenges faced by the police, dismal work conditions including low salaries, and impact of political interference on policing needs to be raised.
It is only through initiatives aimed at enhancing community policing efforts in Pakistan that the state of policing and police-community relations can be improved. We aim to enhance community policing efforts by transferring communication and community engagement skills to police through capacity building, training and technical support, outreach events, promoting religious, ethnic, and gender inclusion and generating demand for police reforms.


Protect life, property and liberty of citizens


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TTT Image

CPO Lahore TTT


PRO's Training Chung Lahore


NPA Training Islamabad